

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Site Design by

Hello there and Welcome!

With yearly costs lower than many forms of advertising, having a web site makes sense for ANY size business.

Consider this:

Bob is driving to work on Friday and his path takes him right by your restaurant.  He sees your sign and wonders if he'd like the food there.  Bob gets to work and on his break starts to think about where he will take his wife out for dinner tonight.  He thinks about getting out the phone book, looking up your number and calling to see what's on the menu.  That's too much work, so he opts to go to a restaurant he's familiar with.

Bob is driving to work on Friday and his path takes him right by your restaurant.  He sees your banner out front "GoodFood.com" and wonders if he'd like the food there.  Bob gets to work and on his break starts to think about where he will take his wife out for dinner tonight.  He logs on to your site and with a few well placed pictures, BAM... He's hungry.  He'll be eating at your place tonight.

In this day and age you should have a web site for your business.  No matter how small, you can benefit in some way from it.  And the costs are very reasonable.  The only recurring fees are $400 per year for web hosting, and this includes full services like email with you@yourname.com, and much more.  Think about that in relation to other forms of advertising.  With a web site, you can reach potential customers night or day, and give them an easy way to contact you.  Websites also provide you with easy ways to give your customers updated information.  If you can send email, you can operate your own web site.  We can help you from start to finish, and offer free consultations.  Visit our contact page to request more information. 

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