

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Site Design by

Frequently Asked...

  1. I already have a web site, how do I transfer it ?
  2. What about adding more features later on ?
  3. Will I have full admin access to my site ?
  4. How are your design fees so low?
  5. How long will it take to get my site up and running?
  6. I'm not a computer expert, can I really run a web site ?
  7. What about canceling my plan ?
  8. What am I waiting for ?

How do I transfer my current site ?

Transferring your current site is actually quite easy.  The exact steps involved depend on how you are currently hosting your site and whether you have administrative access to the files on your current site.  If you do, you can give us access, and we'll copy all your files, leaving your current site unchanged and still active.  We then incorporate any special features you would like, and put your site up on our servers.  Your old  site is still fully operational while you view your new site at a location we give you.  We can proof read, make changes and ensure everything is working smoothly before you transfer your domain name.  You can then cancel your old hosting account.

If you do not have administrative access, we can still transfer your current site with no help from you!  It just takes a little bit longer this way, and works the same as noted above.  Your old  site stays active until we're ready.

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What about adding more features later on ?

Now you're thinking!  Our services are aimed primarily at small business owners, and there is certainly room to grow.  Once your site is up and running it is generally easy to add any of the features we offer to your site for a reasonable one time set up charge.  All of our features can generally be set up on a currently operating site in just a day or two, with the exception of the shopping cart program, which is advanced and requires more time.

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Will I have full admin access to my site ?

Absolutely.  You will have full access through your online control panel.  You'll have access to your own cgi-bin, so advanced users can modify or add programs for their site.  You can add, edit, and remove email addresses, forward email, and more!  And you'll have full, unlimited, FTP access to upload new pages and images to your site at any time.

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How are your design fees so low ?

For a few reasons:

1) We are interested in establishing long term relationships with customers that will benefit both parties.  As a sign of this commitment we try to make our services very attractive by offering the absolute lowest possible design fees to get you started hoping that once you experience the benefits of an internet presence you will decide to keep your web site working for you for the long run.

2) We believe in the KIS principle of design (Keep It Simple).  As you begin using your web site you will come to realize that important features include above all else a clear and easy to navigate menu.  Surveys show that most internet customers do not need flashy graphics or a complicated page layout as it can confuse them and make a site difficult to navigate.   We can incorporate other elements such as custom flash intros and such for additional charges, however we don't recommend it as it will not make your site more user friendly.

3) We use some design technologies that make it easier for us to design your site to have a clean, consistent look while allowing us to add as many static pages as you may need and make changes and updates along the way with less effort than other designers.  

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How long will it take to get my site up and running ?

This, of course, depends on the size of the web site.  Generally speaking, we can have a web site up and running within two weeks.  The site can be up and fully functional, however it may  still need much of the content added.  Once we have your site designed, which gives us a foundation, next we need to add information on your business.  You supply information and text that you would like to present to your customers on your home page and other static pages, and we will organize and design the pages to hold that information.  You are responsible for stocking your online store with your products, and we will show you how easy it is.  Other arrangements can be made to have us stock your new store for you.

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I'm not a computer expert, can I really run a web site ?

Yes, and you should.  In this day and age, all businesses should have a presence online.  This will no doubt continue to become more and more important as time goes on.

First, a distinction to be made.  Many sites offer your customers information.  These types of sites, such as for service providers, may require no maintenance at all on your part.  You'll just need to know how to check your new email, or we can even have your new "email@yourdomain.com" forwarded to your current email address if you would like.  Some sites, such as restaurants, may desire to have easy ways to frequently update the information on their web site.  For example listing "specials of the day" or such.  We can custom design a program for you that will give you easy access to update specific information on your web site all by yourself.  If you can fill out our information request form, then you can update information on your web site.  Yes, we can make it that easy.

Online stores require more work.  Selling directly online can be the core of a small business and you may need to check for orders every day (multiple times a day depending on your business), check and respond to customer questions on a regular basis, and perhaps add and remove products from your store, or run specials and promotions regularly.  Once again, we can show you just how easy this can be.  If you can send and receive email, then you can operate your own online store.  We mail you full instructions when you sign up and have an online reference area where instructions are available for your viewing at any time.

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What about canceling my plan ?

While we make every effort to ensure your satisfaction, there may be times when you cannot continue with your hosting service.  The initial set-up and/or design fees, if any, domain name registration and secure certificate fees are non-refundable.  We offer a 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee on the hosting plan.  After that you may cancel at any time, however there are no refunds pro-rated or otherwise.  

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What am I waiting for ?

Good question!  Take a moment to browse the site, and please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.   There is no obligation, and you will receive personalized attention to get you up and running smoothly.  We're happy to answer any specific questions you may have, and walk you through the process to get you started.

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