

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Site Design by

Add some great features to your site!

Looking to make your web site really WORK for you?

We have the solutions.  Web site owners need ways to do more than give customers information on their services and products.  Many need ways to interact with their customers, update their own information and offer sales online.

Here are some of the features we have offered and set up for customers web sites.  Any one of these can make the difference in a web site that offers nothing more than an online brochure, and a web site that offers visitors a chance to interact, encouraging them to repeat visit, and gives you as the owner the chance to actually have your site work for you, increasing sales and allowing contact with customers and potential customers.

Please keep in mind that none of the features on this page are in working order, please contact us for more information or reference to live sites that we have set up using the features below.  See the examples page for links to some of our customers sites with brief descriptions of the features we've added.

The Shopping Cart Program

The ultimate in offering online catalog sales! Our shopping cart not only allows full featured descriptions of your products, but you can organize your products into categories, and offer search functions, with full secure online ordering.

Our shopping cart program also has coupon support too! Use our mailing list program below to offer discount codes to repeat customers.

Custom Page Update Program!

This is one feature that can really give you great capabilities for updating the information on your site yourself.

Many website owners rely on others to update pages on their site with new information.  This can be less than convenient and sometimes costly.  We can set up very simple forms for you that allow you to change the content on your own pages simply and easily.  

The Mailing List Program

A great way to encourage repeat visits, and make announcements of special offers or discounts.

Users can subscribe or unsubscribe right from your site.  This can be integrated with your shopping cart, offering a check box to be placed on the list when ordering.

You can add or remove addresses and send notices out to everyone on the list right through your browser!  Reach hundreds of customers with one click of a button.

Custom Navigation Buttons

We can set up great looking horizontal or vertical navigation bars for your site!

We can easily add new buttons and links as needed to help your web site grow. Colors and location are completely customizable to fit the look and feel of your site.

Online help from LivePerson

If you're in a position to monitor your web site regularly, we can help you add features from LivePerson - Live Online Help!

This allows you to interact real-time with your customers through a chat box.  Customers can get real-time answers on your products and you can help direct sales at the same time.

Tips of the day/week/month

We can set up programs that allow you to have a running "Tip of the week" (or day, or month) inserted into your pages.   

You can set up tips well ahead of time, and encourage repeat visits to your site with changing content.

E-mail reminder notice program

Allow your visitors to set up one-time or recurring reminders for any special occasion!

If you are offering services online, allow customers to set up e-mail reminders of the date and time they are set up for.  Customers can return at any time to view, edit, or remove any pending reminders - encouraging repeat visits to your site.

Downloadable Screen Savers

Using your own graphics, we can make a downloadable screen saver that can get customers excited about your products, and remind them to visit your web site

Tell a Friend forms!

Use your current visitors to solicit new customers!

Word of mouth is undoubtedly one of the BEST forms of advertisement.  How many businesses online are missing the boat on that one?   With our tell a friend program, you can allow word of mouth advertising by allowing your current visitors to send short e-mail messages to their friends encouraging them to visit your site.

Other Online forms

Online forms allow interaction by your customers, encouraging them to spend time at your site.

Forms can allow your customers to contact you even if they are not at their home computer and mail program.  Online questionnaires allow you to gather information from your customers, and give you a way to contact them, encouraging repeat visits.

Online Calendar Programs

We can set up an online calendar program allowing your visitors to view schedules online, or book dates based on current availability.

You can allow visitors to place items on the calendar themselves, or use online forms for them to make requests while you keep administrative access to the calendar to yourself.

Send an internet postcard

Do you have a business that offers products or services that get people excited?  Well, capitalize on it!   

Similar to our "Tell a Friend" program above, internet postcard programs allow you to choose a few well picked, exciting images of your service or products and allow your visitors to choose an image and construct an internet postcard to send to their friends.  A fantastic way to encourage word of mouth advertising and encourage visitors.

Links to weather information, or driving directions.

Is your business local or weather dependant? We can add images to your site showing current, updated weather information with links to extended forecasts.  

Want to help customers find you? We can add forms to your site that link them to mapping programs to help them find driving directions to your door by entering their starting address.

And More...

We can be very resourceful in meeting the needs of our customers, and many of the features listed here have come from special requests from our customers in the past.  

If you have any special needs, or special requests - just ask!