

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Site Design by

Already have a web site?

If you already have a web site, but want more features, such as those available on our features page, we can use your existing site layout, colors, and graphics. We can transfer your web site onto one of our servers, and incorporate any or all of the features listed while maintaining the look and feel of your current site. 

By already having a web site, you can save design and graphics costs associated with new site design. By transferring to our servers, we can add additional capability to your site and really make your site really WORK for you. Do you already display products online, but aren't able to offer online ordering? Take a look at our shopping cart program on the features page! There is no way to make online ordering easier for your customers, or make managing the products in your online store easier for you.  Extra features make a site much more useful to you and to your customers.

The best part of a site transfer, is we'll do all the work for you! And while we're busy transferring your site, and working in any added features, you will be able to view it every step of the way. Most importantly - your current site stays online until we're finished! That means there is absolutely no interruption in your service. When we are done with your new site, you can review it completely, run any tests you would like, and when you're happy all you have to do is transfer your existing domain name to point to our servers, and then cancel your old hosting plan. Nothing could be easier.

Depending on the size of your current site, we will transfer your site for very low cost or FREE!  This includes adding in the features you're looking for.

For more information, please check out our costs page, and feel free to contact me with questions, or to get started today!